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How To Create A Gmod Playermodel

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In Finished on GMod Work. Connor Adams completed Create ragdoll on Erza Scarlet Heaven's Wheel Armor playermodel. Connor Adams completed Edit lua file to add as playermodel on Erza Scarlet Heaven's Wheel Armor playermodel. Create your account. Register with E-mail. FUNNY MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY!! - Gmod Minecraft Playermodel & Pills Mod (Garry's Mod) by adventure2 5 years ago 432 Views. Gmod Frozen Playermodel Mod (Garry's Mod) by adventure2 4 years ago 196 Views. Gmod YODA Playermodel Mod! (Garry's Mod). Playermodel List; Return Copy. Welcome to cSite! We are a company attempting to provide gaming communities and clans with all the necessary tools and services to succeed. Contact Terms DMCA Status Roadmap TrustPilot Connect with us. Facebook Twitter YouTube Google+ GitHub.

  • 1Creating physboxes
  • 2Making a Ragdoll

Creating physboxes

Build a collision model

Each separate object is converted into a convex hull. So you should have all faces that belong to a single convex object be a single smoothing group & texture. Also, it uses simple vertex connectivity to determine what an object is, so don't connect things you don't want turned into a single convex hull. Studiomdl does not optimize any of the meshes, it just makes convex hulls.

As a rule of thumb, you shouldn't model anything smaller than 1' cubed as a detail. You should be somewhat coarse in that regard, all details like bolts, buttons, etc should not be modeled as separate convex pieces.

In general, it's totally fine for convex pieces to overlap. So if this lets you make the model out of fewer (but larger) convex pieces, then that is good for performance. Please do so. You want to have as few convex pieces as possible. Number of vertices is less important, but it should be on the order of a lower LOD of the render model. You're not going to feel/notice inaccuracies of 1' in any cases - there are plenty of other factors that players will notice first.

Using $autocenter

$autocenter moves the model so that its origin is at the center of its bounding box.

It also adds an attachment point called 'placementOrigin' which is the offset to the original origin.

This is useful for building gibs. You simply model them in XSI as a collection - where you'd want them to be placed. Then you export them separately and add $autocenter to each qc. So they get reasonable origins (centered) for lighting, bboxes, etc and they spawn in the correct position when the parent model is gibbed.

Useful Commands

This lets you set the mass of the object in kilograms.
this will automatically compute the mass using density/thickness of the material applied and the collisionmodel itself.
This tells studiomdl to assume the collision model is concave (i.e. a set of convex chunks). Normally, studiomdl assumes the model is a single convex.
Gmod player model creator

Making a Ragdoll

Build a Collision Model

Using one of the existing characters as a guideline, build a set of separate objects (one for each bone). Make these objects as simple as possible, but don't compromise the shape of the character too much. Keep in mind that the physics system is going to make each bone a convex object. It is not currently possible to make concave objects without using multiple bones. These models should be fairly low poly in general, and each vertex should be assigned to a single bone. It's ok to leave holes in the skin (again, see one of the existing models like combine soldier or zombie).

You should only add collision objects for some of the bones in this model. If you put too many, you are just creating more work for someone else later. Performance limitations mean that we can only simulate somewhere between 15-20 bones per character and still hit our budgets. On bipeds, use an existing model as a template. In HL2, we've cut down bipeds for simulation as follows:

  • We only support two spine segments
  • Skip all fingers or toes
  • Add-on equipment is usually merged in with another bone (like the combine soldier's backpack)

The end result is about 15 bones for most human characters.

Export this model as an .SMD file, and name it ragdoll.smd. Save it in the directory with the model's other animations. You must export the .SMD as a reference frame (What does reference frame mean? it needs expanding).

Build the Ragdoll Pose

Pose the model in its most relaxed state. This pose will play the animation for each bone that isn't being simulated. With humans, we've eliminated the fingers, so it's essential that you pose the fingers in this animation. That way, if a character dies while holding a gun, he won't fall over with his trigger finger out.

Export this pose as an .SMD (skeletal animation SMD or reference SMD?), name it ragdoll_pose.smd.

Add the ragdoll.qc File

If there is another character that uses the same or a really similar skeleton, simply copy its ragdoll.qc. Otherwise, copy $hl2/models/ragdoll.qc to your model's folder. Add a line at the end of the model's .QC file that says $include 'ragdoll.qc'.

Build the Model

Run studiomdl on the model. It should tell you that it's building a jointed collision model.

Run HLMV and Edit the Joints

Now run HLMV. First, check the Physics Model checkbox. Check over the wireframe physics model to make sure it built correctly and that your vertex assignments are ok. Click the physics tab. Now you can go through each axis of each joint and set the joint limits. Again, if you copy the qc file from another character, you can start with its joint limits. Be sure to set the mass to something appropriate (in kilograms). 1 kilogram is 2.2 pounds. Kaleidoscope tangerine dream rar.

After you're done tweaking the limits, hit the Generate QC button. Now a new .QC file is on the clipboard. Paste it into your ragdoll.qc and rebuild the model.

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CT GIGN Variant A Player Model from CS:GO with weapon_ak47.

A player model is the collection of a mesh, animations, and physics model that makes up a character in Valve games. This page intends to be an overview of everything you need to do to make a player model, and a collection of links to more in-depth tutorials regarding specific components of player model creation. Everything here has an emphasis on Source Engine games.

Mesh and Skeleton

How To Create A Gmod Player Model

Player Model loaded in MilkShape 3D showing the mesh and its skeleton.

The mesh is the body of the player model. For Valve: Source games this will take the form of a .smd file. It is composed of UV-mapped faces whose vertices are assigned (weighted) to joints on the model's skeleton. For Source games a vertex can be assigned to multiple joints at the same time, for example a joint in a model's shoulder might be assigned at 60% to Spine 3, 30% to R Clavicle, and 10% to R UpperArm.

Basic information about .smds and modeling in general can be found here. For how to properly rig a player model in XSI, read this tutorial.


Hitboxes on a CS:GO version of Zoey

When a player is alive in CS:S, Garry's Mod, or CS:GO, their physics model is not being used. Instead, to determine whether or not a player gets shot, and where they got shot, the games use hitboxes. Hitbox dimensions are defined in a model's .qc file and are parented to bones.

Example Hitbox code for a .qc file:

To get default hitboxes you can decompile a default model for the game you're working with and copy the code from the mdldecompiler.qc file. However, if you aren't doing a simple re-skin you probably need to edit the hitboxes so that they match the new model's geometry more accurately.

Physics Model

When a player dies, the hitboxes are no longer used, and the dead player model falls to the ground as a ragdoll. The physics of the ragdoll are handled by a collision mesh. When you make a model you have a weighted and textured reference.smd for the actual model, and then you also have a phymodel.smd for the collisions. You can usually get a physics model by decompiling a default model, but if you have to make your own you need to make it out of convex shapes and have them attached to the exact same skeleton that your reference model uses.

Warning: If you don't use the same skeleton then you can end up with the floppy body glitch, where a dead ragdoll will spasm on the ground until it eventually comes to a rest. Crack stoll m1 plus download.


Custom player model in CS:GO after compiling with the example .qc file seen here.

With everything brought together, you can compile the model. To do that you need a good .qc file. You can get a decent .qc from decompiling a default model, but they're usually incomplete because the decompiler is making inferences instead of actually extracting the original .qc which was used to compile the model.

Below is a good and complete .qc file which was used to compile a player model for CS:GO and resulted in no errors or other problems:

Many of the items in this .qc including hotboxes and attachments have been modified to suit the model which was generated by it, so you should not copy those sections exactly, but you can use this as a reference to determine if some of the commands it has are missing from your model's .qc file. This wiki also has a list of QC Commands with descriptions of each command. Improper .qc files can cause glitches so care must be taken to ensure that your .qc has no errors in it. A simple syntax error in the attachments section for example can break CS:GO's freezecam when you die, sending the camera to the map origin instead of near your body.

Custom Player Models Gmod

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